People aren't going to like this post, but oh well. White people went to war with white people and slavery was abolished as a result. To be sure, black people fought and died in the fight but when it comes down to it, just as is true today, black people could not have accomplished what was without white people. This statement isn'tt to disparage black people, it is to champion white and black people working together absent race being some kind of artificial barrier to that happening. I despise the term "black community". To me, such a thing is self segregationist and racist in nature. I am sick to death of race being a line drawn between us by those who seek to divide and conquer.
We are Americans. It's the American community. No hyphens. This author writes about PEOPLE. I see no "African-American" label. That is a great thing.
Part of the fraud, part of the corruption, is this in and of itself – National Black Farmers Association. Kinda like the NAACP, UNCF and the CBC,huh? Heck, lets add Mecha and La Raza while we are at it. I am sick to death of race based groups getting a pass as if they are not race based groups. They should no more get a pass than the KKK should. Race based is race based. Period.
This separatism is the very thing that affords what this was originally about in the first place. It's what sees ugly events transpire. No amount of corrupt lawsuits will make it right. Only actions going forward will make it right. Yes, this author is 100% correct that a can of worms is being opened and that it has to be opened. But he ain't correct because he is black. He's right because he's right.
Eric Holder got it wrong. A great many of us aren't afraid to talk about race. Here we have Jimmy Dismuke and myself, both white and black men, saying the exact same thing. Color is irrelevant to substance, but you know what? Jimmy saying this is garnering thanks, I opine for the wrong reason, showing what part of the problem is. He's being thanked because he is saying what he is while being black. This saddens me. I often feel this way reading Walter Williams or Thomas Sowell. It feels as if it's "worth more" when they say these things. And I literally HATE feeling that way. I'm sick of feeling that way and that being acceptable public discourse. I'm sick of being held responsible for something I had nothing to do with – slavery and segregation – just because of my skin color. I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG and I am done with being punished as if I did. In this way, I, as a white man, understand discrimination far better than most black people, or other so called "minorities" will give me credit for. I am tired of being called a racist for saying the same things a black man says and is then thanked for saying. SICK OF IT.
It's said that there must be an uprising within a section of society, among that section itself, that has long rested on the victimization laurels because it has been led to believe endless generations are owed by all future generations. It appears that tide is rising. More and more black people are standing stand up to call that exactly what it is – bullshit. John Stossel did a bake sale deal where blacks and hispanics got special pricing – lower than for whites- and to see black women cry foul made me smile from ear to ear. Someone with no political stake in anything, just an average everyday American out and about shopping, rejected that racist garbage even when she herself could have directly benefited from it. That is AWESOME. The problem there is that I should even notice, much less care, that the woman was black! My goodness, that is soooooo screwed up. Just like feeling thankful that a black man wrote this piece. Just like Walter and Thomas.
When it comes down to it, Americans of all colors have to stand together and say firmly with serious resolve that NO MORE will ANY laws be obliged that offer one treatment to one person and a different treatment to another with skin color being the line of separation. We ALL have to reject that racist division and embrace true Equality. We have to accept that the same set of rules, and the same set of rights, apply equally to all of us. That goes for everything from gerrymandered voting districts to college scholarships.
It is time to admit that there is no such thing as black rights, white rights, brown rights, asian rights, gay rights, muslim rights, jewish rights, christian rights, poor rights, rich rights and and and…..There are only Creator endowed rights and we all have them just the same because of our common humanity, not because some bureaucrat inked them so for some and not others. Enough is Enough.
Americans must have the courage to say it out loud, to write it, to live it. Equality means giving up the race based organizations, special rule structures and special allowances or excuses. It is time for all to see how stands for true equality and who does not. Period. Time to pick a side.
The District's neighborhood listservs provide one particularly valuable service to jittery residents: they're searchable repositories of suspicious activity. Shady newspaper salespeople, magazine peddlers, people dressed as utility technicians -- just a sample of the alleged scam artists who prowl the city's residential streets in search of their next victim. Recently though, we've noticed another class of accused scammer popping up on the listservs: the guy who sells meat out of a van -- who some residents aren't just afraid will swindle their money, but perhaps also their digestive health.
"I would hope someone in our 10,000 list community who has seen them (and had their products?) could advise if they made sure that the vendor had all the needed DC business and Health Department licenses/approvals," wrote one Cleveland Park listerserv member in October about a visit another listserv member received from Butcher's Choice of Baltimore. "I do not want anyone here's first "experience" to be at a local ER."
"Did they want to be paid in cash as well? Right now, seems "fishy" to me," she added.
In response, MPD Detective John Paprcka said that the meat seller "certainly sounds suspicious," and advised residents in Cleveland Park to call 911 if they ever felt threatened. "Burglars often go to work when you go to work," added Paprcka.
The shady meat salesman reappeared on the Metropolitan Police Department's Fifth District listserv yesterday.
"I just had a gentleman from [Capital Meats] knock on my door around (3pm) this afternoon. He offered to sell me the meat that was left in his van," said one poster. "Both his van and his sweatshirt had the logo on it, but it was very strange and unsolicited and with the recent burglaries on Adams I felt a little uneasy. Just wanted to pass it along and alert my neighbors."
Ward 5 firebrand Kathy Henderson responded this morning. "We do not tolerate these unlicensed steak peddlers in our community," Henderson fired back. "Each time these fast-talking individuals offer their unsanitary, barely refrigerated meat for sale we call the police."
So is the District overrun with a bevy of rotten steak hucksters?
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